Melissa Sommers, MBA '08
Melissa Sommers, MBA 08

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Day in the Life

One thing people learn pretty quickly about the Johnson School is that we're a pretty energetic enthusiastic, and yes friendly, bunch of people. Today, about 40 prospective students will get first-hand experience of this as they enter Ithaca for our annual Johnson Means Business weekend. Johnson Means Business is a recruiting weekend centered around diversity and it always brings a wonderful bunch of interested people to Ithaca to experience what we're all about and to help make the hefty decision of where to attend business school.

As you would guess if you've been keeping up with my blogs, I will be involved (I'm a sucker for helping out!). I'm hosting two prospectives and am very excited to meet them this afternoon/evening when they arrive here in town. There are a lot of great events planned for the weekend including breakfasts/receptions sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and Lehman Brothers, dinner with the Dean, career panel discussions and info sessions, dinners at students' houses and a super-fun party at Olivia's tomorrow night. Everyone always manages to have a great time and some of my current classmates attended the same event last year or the year before. I can't wait for the fun to begin!

Tempering my enthusiasm for JMB is the fact that I have three big assignments due early next week. This, of course, spells a weekend that will be filled with group meetings and work sessions when I'm not playing hostess to my awesome prospectives. That's the thing about business school - there's always something that you could/should be doing.

But again it's not all work. One of the other things I will be doing this weekend is attending dance practice for the Indian Diwali celebration that will be taking place here at Sage Hall on Saturday, November 17th. I missed the event last year but I heard it was so much fun that I wanted to be included. Some of my fellow classmates have choreographed several dances that we will be performing and there is also a fashion show. It's great to be able to help out while also having the opportunity to get closer with some of my classmates, both new and old.