Melissa Sommers, MBA '08
Melissa Sommers, MBA 08

Sunday, April 6, 2008


So these days things are awesome. I specifically set up my last quarter so that I only have three classes, and I'm done by 10:00am on Mondays and Wednesdays and by 11:30am on Tuesday and Thursdays. That does mean I have to get up early every day, but it leaves me plenty of time to hit the gym, take naps, do assignments and whatever else I want. Basically, it's fabulous.

Now there is a common myth that the second year of grad school is automatically easy. I'm here to tell you that is not true. You've got to start planning your first year to make it happen. My plan was to take a few extra credits during the second semester of the first year so that I would have less to fulfill my second year. Then I still had a grueling first semester back so that the last semester would be the best. And here it is! Only three classes and plenty of time to hang out with friends, hit the gym and just relax. It's amazing!

Speaking of fun past times, this afternoon is our first intramural softball game. The weather appears to be cooperating for the first time in awhile, so it should be a good day to play. It's a Johnson school team, but the league is open for all Cornellians, so it's kind of fun that we may play some undergrads. Nothing shows you how old you're getting than playing students that are almost a decade younger than you! I'll let you all know how it goes...