Melissa Sommers, MBA '08
Melissa Sommers, MBA 08

Friday, August 31, 2007

Welcome back, welcome back

What a week! This week was the first full week of classes and boy was it packed with activities. I not only had my first taste of my new classes (I've got all good ones!), but I had a lot of club meetings which took up most of my time. If I had only one piece of advice to give to first years, it would be to not become an officer of more than one or two clubs. Especially because when you come back as a second year and you're excited to have a more relaxed schedule, a lot of club meetings can put a small cramp in your free time. It's great being involved, but it can become overwhelming quickly when everyone wants to meet within the first week. This doesn't mean that you can't be a member of quite a few clubs, since you get to decide how involved you want to be when you're just a member.

On a different note, I got to play bartender yesterday which was fun. Every Thursday one of the student clubs guest-bartends at the same local bar. Fifty percent of the tips that we generate go to the club that is tending bar. It is a great way to raise money for our clubs while also getting a large portion of the Johnson school population together to have a good time dancing and socializing. This Thursday was the first one of the year, so it's nice to know that there are many more to come.

Today a large group of us went to Stewart Park and played a demented yet hilarious version of kickball. It was another wonderful and unique way to get to meet even more people and I think that my goal to meet all of the first years is well on track. I've got to be close to a quarter already and it's only been a few weeks! Now, after a very long week, it's time to relax a little more and get some work done.