Melissa Sommers, MBA '08
Melissa Sommers, MBA 08

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bye bye good intentions

Well, well. Here I am poised on the brink of my fifth week of classes, and I realize that I have only blogged once so far this semester. It's been an amazing and interesting couple of weeks so far, and I'm once again blown away by the fact that I'm more than halfway through another quarter of grad school, which means that a few of my classes (three out of five to be exact) will be over in a mere three weeks. How is this possible?! I will be picking up another class to fill the void a bit, but not too much so that my last quarter here will hopefully be as enjoyable as I imagined (and planned) it.

So what's been going on with me? Well, a lot of things have happened since the start. For one thing, the first three weeks of classes lulled me into thinking that this semester was going to be nothing but a piece of cake. I enjoy all of my classes (Critical Thinking, Financial Statement Analysis, Spreadsheet Modeling, Human Resource Management and E-Commerce) and there were no assignments due during the first three weeks. Then last week showed up and suddenly I had an assignment due in every single one of my classes! Thankfully I'm the type of person who always looks a little bit ahead, so I was able to prepare myself mentally for the onslaught of work.

Of course, it wasn't completely easy sailing. The two weekends prior to the "weeklong work frenzy" were crammed with fun and excitement. First, I turned the big 3-0 (yikes!) and that brought with it a fun weekend with my boyfriend and friends here in Ithaca. It also brought a weekend of getting absolutely no work done! Yes it does happen, even in grad school, if you allow yourself the luxury. I did, and paid for it a bit, but not as much as the following weekend when I went home for a wedding. That was the weekend before the dreaded assignment week and it was really hard to take time off then. But I did it nonetheless and was glad that I did at the time. A little buckling down during that Sunday and the rest of the week and everything got turned in on time. Whew!

This semester has definitely had its upsides. I've made a pact with friends to do more activities and we've held close to that promise. I've done dinners at people's houses, gone out to dinner a lot more, hit up Greek Peak for some snowboarding and more. It's been a ton of fun. My advice to anyone going into their second year is to save up some money from your internship so that you can enjoy your last year in college for awhile. One of my favorite topics these days is what to do for spring break (my last one, possibly forever!) this year. My second favorite topic is our bowling league, which makes Thursday nights around here something to look forward to. I'm trying to win the "Best Female Bowler" award this year (I came in second last year), but there's some stiff competition out there. Here's a picture of my awesome bowling team, Brew Crew, making an appearance for the second year in a row. A shout out to Ben Ross, Kate Tansey and Mike Jaffre for making Thursdays so much fun!